Continuous flux/met data (i.e., AmeriFlux BASE data product) for the US-CRT site, as an example for demonstration. Also see AmeriFlux webpage for variable definitions and details.
A data frame with 336 rows and 36 variables
TIMESTAMP_START - ISO timestamp start of averaging period (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
TIMESTAMP_END - ISO timestamp end of averaging period (YYYYMMDDHHMM)
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) mole fraction in wet air (µmolCO2 mol-1)
H2O - Water (H2O) vapor in mole fraction of wet air (mmolH2O mol-1)
FC - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) turbulent flux (µmolCO2 m-2 s-1)
NEE_PI - Net Ecosystem Exchange (µmolCO2 m-2 s-1)
CH4 - Methane (CH4) mole fraction in wet air (nmolCH4 mol-1)
FCH4 - Methane (CH4) turbulent flux (nmolCH4 m-2 s-1)
H - Sensible heat turbulent flux (W m-2)
LE - Latent heat turbulent flux (W m-2)
G_1_1_1 - Soil heat flux at horizontal location #1 (W m-2)
G_2_1_1 - Soil heat flux at horizontal location #2 (W m-2)
WD - Wind direction (Decimal degrees)
WS - Wind speed (m s-1)
USTAR - Friction velocity (m s-1)
ZL - data value
MO_LENGTH - Monin-Obukhov Stability parameter (nondimensional)
W_SIGMA - Standard deviation of vertical velocity fluctuations (m s-1)
V_SIGMA - Standard deviation of lateral velocity fluctuations (m s-1)
U_SIGMA - Standard deviation of along-wind velocity fluctuations (m s-1)
T_SONIC - Sonic temperature (deg C)
T_SONIC_SIGMA - Standard deviation of sonic temperature (deg C)
PA - Atmospheric pressure (kPa)
RH - Relative humidity (%)
TA - Air temperature (deg C)
TS_1_1_1 - Soil temperature at horizontal location #1 (deg C)
TS_2_1_1 - Soil temperature at horizontal location #2 (deg C)
WTD - Water table depth (m)
SWC - Soil water content (%)
NETRAD - Net radiation (W m-2)
PPFD_IN - Photosynthetic photon flux density, incoming (µmolPhoton m-2 s-1)
SW_IN - Shortwave radiation, incoming (W m-2)
SW_OUT - Shortwave radiation, outgoing (W m-2)
LW_IN - Longwave radiation, incoming (W m-2)
LW_OUT - Longwave radiation, outgoing (W m-2)
P - Rainfall (mm)